## 活動資訊 / Event Info
- 日期 / Date: 2015/07/11
- 時間 / Time: 1:30 - 5:30 PM
- 地點 / Location: Microsoft Taiwan / 台灣微軟總部(台北松仁路)
- 地址 / Address: 台北市松仁路7號7樓
- 費用 / Fee: 免費 Free
- 臉書活動連結 / Facebook Event : https://www.facebook.com/events/836832836366445/
- 活動說明 / Event Description: A startup demo event for team participating the 2nd annual Mobileheroes 8 weeks preincubation and sharing event from great speakers from Japan and Taiwan. It is open to the public and for anyone who is interested to know more about startup and Taiwan startup ecosystem.
## 議程 / Agenda
- 13:30~14:10 貴賓報到&交流 / Guest check-in and networking
- 14:10~14:30 開場+長官致詞+評審介紹 / Official opening , greeting and judge introduction
- 14:30~14:50 Keynote by Softbank Mobile兼Yahoo! Japan 村上臣CMO (chief mobile officer) (Japan)
- 14:50~16:00 Pitch Time(6 minutes pitching + 4 minutes QA)
- 16:00~16:10 Break Time
- 16:10 - 16:15 Microsoft Sharing by Michael
- 16:15~16:25 Sharing by Hatapro 伊澤諒太創辦人 (Japan)
- 16:25~16:35 結果發表與頒獎,大合照
- 16:35~17:10 Panel Discussion
- 17:10~17:30 交流與拍照 (note: 所有的Pitching團隊將10:00AM報導,開始練習及準備)
## 特別感謝 Microsoft 支持這場Demo Pitch
## 當天Pitch團隊 / List of Demo Pitch Team
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## 當天嘉賓及評審
- 01 Bryan Huang, / 立勤國際法律事務所主持律師
- 02. Don Jeng / 鄭至甫, 政治大學商學院副教授
- 03. Felipe Inkuei Tan, Business Director, Greater China Kii Corporation
- 04. Fenix C. Hsu, Co-founder and BD of Sentri / Founder and CEO Ghosta / Partners at Incubadom Fund
- 05. John Yeh , Founder and CEO of Hiiir / 時間軸科技創辦人兼執行長葉建漢
- 06. Kyle Chen, Community Connector at Business Next / 陳凱爾, 數位時代社群經理
- 07. Leo Hung, CEO of IDEAX / 洪大倫, 光明頂創育智庫執行長
- 08. Steve Hsu, Director of ITRI TechVenture Accelerator / 工研院科技新創加速器總監
- 09. Shih Yang Tsai / 蔡適陽, 國際創新創業發展協會理事
- 10. Owen Ou, Editor in Chief of MakerPRO.cc / 歐敏銓, MakerPRO社群平台總主筆
## 其他連結